Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Why I've been gone

My wonderful parents have been in town for the past week or so, which is why I've been blog absent. We made our way around Dallas (Rockfish, The Porch, Society Bakery, 6th Floor Museum, Northpark, M Streets...), over to Fort Worth (zoo, a tea room and the Amon Carter Museum to see displays on 2 western artists that my father loves). I wanted to wear my Pandamonium shift to the zoo, but I didn't even think about it and wore it the day before! My mother also brought her nice camera so I could play around with it! Here are some pictures from the zoo:

We also did our fair share of this:
Hope you all have been having fabulous weeks!
P.S. 8 Days Until SATC2!!!


  1. I'm glad you had a good time with your family. We've missed your updates!

  2. Can't wait to see SATC2! Only 8 more days? YES!
