Tuesday, September 28, 2010

TV Breakdowns

Before I started blogging, I rarely watched anything on TV except old Jeopardy's. However, everyone (bloggers and IRL friends) started chatting about all these great shows that I was missing!
I started watching Gossip Girl at the urging of best friend KAC, and I am purely addicted. Oh my my, I love Chuck Bass! And their jaunts in Paris are to die for, it only makes me wish for a holiday very soon! Most of the outfits are also to die for (except Blair's first day of Columbia outfit last night. It was brown and blahhh), and I love to see the apartment sets. Serena gets on my nerves sometimes, but I think she has a good heart. And of course I always enjoy the juicy previews of the next week, and Blair's headbands!
JPK and I have also started Mad Men. We are through seasons 1 and 2 and halfway through season 3. Thank god for Netflix! I love Don Draper's character. At first, I disliked Peggy, but she has gotten much more complicated and they are really developing her into a character I like. Joan is so pretty, I love her red hair, even if it isn't natural! And my my, how much would you love to dive into Betty Draper's closet...all those dresses are fab! Also, Roger Sterling is so funny, he is one of my faves too!
As much as I may be reluctant to admit this, I watch Jersey Shore. It's such a trainwreck, I just DIE with glee. I don't know how many of you out there will also admit to watching Jersey Shore, but if you do, you know how hard it is to tear your eyes away from the poofs and fist pumps!
One of my favorite shows of all time is Dexter. It is so compelling and thrilling, I love it. What I really like is the complexity of emotions that the show makes you go through. You know Dexter is a killer and what he's doing is wrong, but you root for him to have a family and be happy and not get caught. Another show that drives me crazy until the next week!

What I don't watch: Glee, Real Housewives of anywhere (although I did watch Bethenney Getting Married, I'm a sucker for a girl who gets everything she wishes for), the Bachelor/ette, Lost, The Hills (it's just not the same without LC).

Oh, and nothing beats Law & Order. There's always a marathon on USA, so when I want to watch something, L&O it is! What are your favorite shows?


  1. Mad Men is my fave. season 4 has been good. you'll enjoy it. I used to watch GG, but I'm not into the story lines, a bit too far fetched (much like the OC was after a few seasons). I think it will run out of steam after this season. I enjoyed the Hills when LC was on it, but prefer Laguna Beach. I do watch all Real Housewives and Jersey Shore. Those are my two guilty pleasures. I watched Glee for the first time tonight since Brit Brit was on it. That was enough for me. Law & Order is one of my faves also. I like the old ones with Ben Stone, too. Take care.

  2. I mainly plan my Mondays around Gossip Girl, but I love my Sunday night ritual with the bf watching Mad Men as well. I watch lots of other shows (like Glee, Desperate Housewives) but try not to have too many that I watch regularly. The bf's fave is Dexter, and I was so surprised that I liked it as much as I did! :)

  3. I absolutely love L&O. Some of my favorite shows are Real Housewives (I know, I know, everyone agrees, it's garbage, but I'm hooked), House, Grey's Anatomy, and often some Discovery Channel shows because I'm a little bit of a nerd :)
